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Life Coaching, Couples Coaching
Personal Growth
Think PIES!!
How are you doing? really doing?
Personal growth involves:
What area of life do you want to grow?
We will help you identify your needs and develop a gameplan for personal growth. You will like the man in the mirror increasingly more as you are growing in your PIES!
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My Reality Inventory
Life Satisfaction & Life Balance
How satisfied are you with your life currently?
On a scale of 1 to 10; 1 being the least satisfied and 10 being the most satisfying.
Rate your current level of satisfaction with each of the following areas of your life.
a“1”score means“ entirely unacceptable to me in its current state”,a“10”score means“ I couldn’t be happier with this”. Although these areas will vary from time to time, please give your best overall assessment of how content or pleased you are with each one at this point in your life.
Personal Spiritual Life & Growth________
Church/Religious Life________
Physical Health________
Marriage/Romantic Relationship________
Home Life (Family Cohesion–How the Family “Works”)________
Personal Order (Organization, Efficiency, Simplicity)________
Extended Family Relationships (Relatives, In-Laws)________
Friends/Social Life________
Fun and Recreation/Hobbies________
Financial Stability________
Physical Environment (Home, Cars, Neighborhood, etc.)________