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Take INventory with these Manhood Mascot Q's
A deeper look at NFL mascots
Reflect and discuss some of the questions with a friend, helping establish a more authentic friendship.
Bear-strong, independent, male bears live alone
Q: How do I tend to live an isolated life?
Ram- proud, stubborn
Q: How is my pride lately? How am I stubborn?
Raider, Buccaneer, Viking-they stole from others-dishonest gain,-we can 'steal' from others- selfishness, lust, porn, affairs, addictions
Q: Where I am self-centered? Q: How have I taken from others? How am I dealing with lust and temptations?
Panther, Jaguar-usually lives, hunts, and travels alone-except during mating season-male only stays with mate for 2 days after mating-
Q: How do I deal with my power and my sex drive?
Titan- someone who is god-like, powerful, influential
Q: How is my influence and ego lately? -self-serving? overinflated? bruised?
Bengal-tiger--speed, hunter-due to size and strength--no natural predators
Q: It's dangerous to live as though we have no predators. What or who could be a threat on my journey? What keeps me from being the man I want to be?
Cardinal— has a black ‘mask’ on its' face-men tend to hide behind ‘masks’ a projected image, fear of being truly known
Q: What masks do I tend to wear? How can 'masks' be dangerous?
Colt-young, still maturing, extra energy
Q: Where do I want to keep maturing?
Bronco-wild, unbridled, undisciplined
Q: Where do I want to become more disciplined?
Steeler- hard working, satisfaction with a full work day
Q: What hard work do I enjoy?
Packer-sacrifice for our family, mundane, daily grind of work
Q: How is work mundane and sometimes feels like a daily grind for me?
Dolphin-smart, intelligent, trainable, playful
Q: How has my intelligence, personality and work ethic provided opportunities for me?
Browns, Bills- only mascots named after men-for original coach : Paul Brown and famous celebrity Wild Bill “Buffalo” Cody
Q: Where do I find my identity and worth as a man? Q: We get our last name from our fathers, as part of our identity---how do you want to be similar and different than your father?
Commander-trust their decisions, has what it takes, confident
Q: Do you feel you have what it takes to lead yourself, your family, and other men? Why or why not?
Jet-think travels and adventures
Q: What are my life-giving adventures have I done and would like to do?
49er-opportunistic, take new ground
Q: What risk or new opportunity is God leading me towards?
Charger-offers a charge, creates energy
Q: How do I re-charge? What drains your energy?
Giant-facing fears
Q: What do I fear? Why?
Raven- research shows they offer empathy, make friends with fellow ravens-recognizes other ravens up to 3 years later
Q: How am I reaching out to a friend? Q: How can I be a more safe & loyal friend?
Seahawk—performs elaborate flight ritual overhead to impress potential mate--flies in a wave pattern while clutching a fish
Q: How did I pursue my partner during courtship? How am I doing at pursuing and courting her lately?
Falcon--bird of prey-can fly up to 200 mph when "diving" on its prey
Q: What goal have you been driven and laser focused to accomplish?
Texan-take risks, resilient, proud history
Q: Where do I need more resilience? Which men in history inspire me?
Chief-in charge, leader
Q: Where do I want to step up as a leader within my roles and responsibilities with marriage, family, work, etc.?
Patriot-noble, defender, loyal, significance, make a difference
Q: Where is God leading me to make a difference?
Eagle-soar, unique, have higher perspective
Q: How do I want to soar? Q: What dreams do I have?
Lion-powerful, know who they are, ruler, authority (Also think of Simba from Lion King-shame can paralyze us so we don't live out our calling
Q: Where do I feel shame? Q: Where do I, like Simba, need to return to the Father God, to live out who I am designed to be?
Saint-our true identity, purpose-- The Bible declares we are saints
Q: Do I see myself like this? Q: How do I want to allow God’s grace to transform me into who I am meant to be?
Cowboy-rugged, work as a team, a few cowboys move many cattle—brand the cattle
Q: Who am I riding with? Q: What impression and mark do I want to leave on others?
Which 2 or 3 topics above do you want to grow in the most? Consider . coaching for a few sessions. We would tailor our sessions around your identified needs.
May these reflection questions help you know yourself better, motivate you and help you find: NFL: New Found Life